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Michael Allen Hoffman  

14 October 1944—23 April 1990.

mh01Hoffman 1989 at HK

Co-director of the Hierakonpolis Expedition and head of the Predynastic Research Team at Hierakonpolis from 1978 to his untimely death, Mike came to Hierakonpolis in 1969 to conduct the first predynastic settlement excavations to take place in Egypt in over 30 years. His work at the site put Hierakonpolis on the map as the premier site for understanding Egypt's formative period. Apart from numerous articles on the excavations at Hierakonpolis, he wrote Egypt Before the Pharoahs, 1979, reprinted and updated 1991 and The Predynastic of Hierakonpolis, 1982. He died of cancer in Washington DC, 23 April 1990. 

More about Michael Hoffman

Publications by Michael Hoffman



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US Friends mailing

US FRIENDS: Please note error in the recent mailing: the mailing address for donations on the envelope and insert has a typo.
The address is 
5920 (and not 45920). Just delete the initial 4 and all will be fine. Sorry for any inconvenience. 


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Please note that there is a link for US citizens to become Friends of Nekhen online.
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Alternatively you can donate online directly from  'Contribute to the Hierakonpolis Expedition/Friends of Nekhen! – The Center for the Mediterranean World'. Further details can be found here.





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