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A Swiss graduate of the University of Geneva (Licence ès Lettres, 2005), Xavier is a doctoral student at the University of Oxford. His interests focus on predynastic Egypt and he researches the role and significance that animals held for the Egyptians at the time.

During his studies, he worked at the Museum of Art and History in Geneva, where is participated in organising and displaying two temporary exhibitions (Voyages dans l’Antiquité au 20e siècle; Égypte) and preparing for the current permanent display of the galleries. Before moving the UK, thanks to a scholarship awarded by the Berrow foundation, he taught in secondary schools.

Xavier has been a member of the Hierakonpolis Expedition since 2003, working in the field at several localities (Nubian Cemetery HK27C, Fort, HK11C). But it is his experience at the Elite Cemetery HK6 that is more closely related to his research interest. There, over the past few years, Xavier took part in the excavation of the chapel of Tomb 23, of the pillared halls, and of several burials. In 2011 and 2012, he kept busy digging out the vast cattle burial known as Tomb 49.

Between 2010 and 2012, Xavier took part in the redevelopment of the Egyptian galleries of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, which now prominently display early Egypt material, including its star objects from the Main Deposit. 




Latest News

Nekhen News news 35

Nekhen News 2023 is now in preparation
Apologies the delay, but we have been busy with various Hierakonpolis-related matters. We are now putting volume 35 of the Nekhen News together and hope to be mailing it to you by March 2024. We will post a notice here when it is hot off the presses!



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Further details can be found here.




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