
Donate Here

Please consider supporting our efforts at Hierakonpolis.


Contact us by email at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Contact us by mail at:
The Friends of Nekhen
The Hierakonpolis Expedition
c/o Department of Antiquities
Ashmolean Museum
University of Oxford
Beaumont Street

Latest News

US Friends mailing

US FRIENDS: Please note error in the recent mailing: the mailing address for donations on the envelope and insert has a typo.
The address is 
5920 (and not 45920). Just delete the initial 4 and all will be fine. Sorry for any inconvenience. 


Donating online from the USA?

Please note that there is a link for US citizens to become Friends of Nekhen online.
You can donate via this website by clicking on Become a Friend, then US Friends and follow the instructions.

Alternatively you can donate online directly from  'Contribute to the Hierakonpolis Expedition/Friends of Nekhen! – The Center for the Mediterranean World'. Further details can be found here.





Become a Friend of Nekhen. You can help make a difference and support the work of the Expedition.