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Welcome to Hierakonpolis Online

Hierakonpolis, the City of the Hawk, ancient Egyptian Nekhen, is one of the most important archaeological sites for understanding the foundations of ancient Egyptian society.

Best known as the home of the ceremonial Palette of Narmer, one of the first political documents in history, and attributed to the first king of the First Dynasty at about 3100BC, the site contains far more.


Well before the construction of the pyramids, Hierakonpolis was one of the largest urban centers along the Nile -- a vibrant, bustling city containing many of the features that would later come to typify Dynastic Egyptian civilization. Stretching for over 3 km along the edge of the Nile flood plain, already by 3600 BC it was a city of many neighborhoods and quarters.


01HK mapOver a century of archaeological research, continuing with the present Hierakonpolis Expedition, has confirmed this vast site's central role in the transition from prehistory to history and the rise of early Egyptian civilization, as well as its ability to provide fascinating insights into all periods of Egyptian history.


As with any archaeological site, the information and research on Hierakonpolis is constantly being reviewed and updated. The pages of our website reflect our current understanding of the site and its various features. Further updates and new entries will be posted as our knowledge of the site increases.

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US Friends mailing

US FRIENDS: Please note error in the recent mailing: the mailing address for donations on the envelope and insert has a typo.
The address is 
5920 (and not 45920). Just delete the initial 4 and all will be fine. Sorry for any inconvenience. 


Donating online from the USA?

Please note that there is a link for US citizens to become Friends of Nekhen online.
You can donate via this website by clicking on Become a Friend, then US Friends and follow the instructions.

Alternatively you can donate online directly from  'Contribute to the Hierakonpolis Expedition/Friends of Nekhen! – The Center for the Mediterranean World'. Further details can be found here.





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