
Donate Here

Please consider supporting our efforts at Hierakonpolis.


Under the direction of Dr Renee Friedman a multi-national team is helping to excavate, conserve, analyse and research the desert site of Hierakonpolis. With a core team of members hailing from the US, UK, Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland, Egypt, Japan and Australia, each bringing their own expertise, we are learning not only about the ancient site of Hierakonpolis, but also the world. 


Renee Friedman 

Hagg Sidain Abdel Razzik Said 

Grazia Di Pietro 

Xavier Droux 

Fred Hardtke 

Masahiro Baba

Joel Paulson

Peter Robinson (our webmaster) 



Latest News

Nekhen News news 35

Nekhen News 2023 is now in preparation
Apologies the delay, but we have been busy with various Hierakonpolis-related matters. We are now putting volume 35 of the Nekhen News together and hope to be mailing it to you by March 2024. We will post a notice here when it is hot off the presses!



Donating online from the USA?

Please note that there is a link for US citizens to become Friends of Nekhen online. For those concerned about the tax year, nothing has changed. You can donate via this website by clicking on Become a Friend, then US Friends and follow the instructions, or by joining the Friends of Nekhen online directly from the link and select 'Hierakonpolis Expedition' from the drop-down menu under 'I would like my gift to be used for:'.

Further details can be found here.




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