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Barbara Adams

February 19, 1945- June 26, 2002.


Barbara Adams, Curator at the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology at University College London since 1965, was co-director of the Hierakonpolis Expedition from 1996 until her tragic death in June 2002. In addition to her long and fruitful involvement with the site of Hierakonpolis, joining the expedition team in 1980, Barbara was the author of numerous articles, ten scholarly monographs and in the last years of her life an inspiring teacher at the Institute of Archaeology of University College London. She will be remembered for her important contributions to scholarship, the museum world and of course, Hierakonpolis, where her excavations at HK6 revealed the remarkable ceramic masks and evidence of some of the earliest above-ground funerary architecture in Egypt. Founder and guiding force of the high successful Friends of the Petrie Museum, she also edited the popular Shire Egyptology series to which she herself contributed the volumes on Egyptian Mummies (Adams 1984), Predynastic Egypt (Adams 1988) and Protodynastic Egypt (Adams & Cialowicz 1997). 

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US FRIENDS: Please note error in the recent mailing: the mailing address for donations on the envelope and insert has a typo.
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