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Curriculum Vitae


Ahmed Gamal-El-Din Mohamed Fahmy

5 March 1962—18 December 2013

Research Interest

- Conservation of threatened plant species in arid ecosystems

- Palaeoenvironment and archaeobotany of Egypt and West Africa


1979-1983     Cairo University, Egypt, B.Sc. (Faculty of Science, Botany)

1985-1990     Cairo University, Egypt, M.Sc. (Faculty of Science, Botany)

1991-1995     Cairo University, Egypt and University of Göttingen (Germany), Ph.D. (Faculty of Science, Department of Botany)


Professional Career

2010                    Vice Dean of post graduate studies and Research, Faculty of Science, University of Helwan, in Cairo, Egypt

2008-                   Professor of Botany (Plant Taxonomy and Archaeobotany, Faculty of Science, University of Helwan, Egypt)

2005-2008           Associate Professor of Botany (Plant Taxonomy and Archaeobotany, Faculty of Science, University of Helwan, Egypt)

2003-2005           Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Department of African Archaeobotany, University of Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

1998-2002           Lecturer of Botany (Plant Taxonomy, Faculty of Science, University of Helwan, Egypt)

1998-2001           Part-time coordinator of Man & Biosphere Programme (UNESCO Cairo Office)

2000                    Visiting Associate Professor (Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)

1984-1998           Demonstrator & Lecturer (Botany Department, Faculty of Science, University of Cairo – Beni Suef branch)


Research Fellowships

August – September 2010

University of Frankfurt, Seminar für Vor-u. Frühgeschichte Archäologie und Archäobotanik Afrikas, Frankfurt (Main).

July – September 2009

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany. University of Frankfurt, Seminar für Vor-u. Frühgeschichte Archäologie und Archäobotanik Afrikas, Frankfurt (Main).

October – December 2008

DAAD, Germany. University of Frankfurt, Seminar für Vor-u. Frühgeschichte Archäologie und Archäobotanik Afrikas, Frankfurt (Main).

Phytoliths analysis on sediments from archaeological sites in the rain forests of Cameroon. This study was undertaken in close collaboration with Prof. Dr. Katharina Neumann.

July – September 2007

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany. University of Frankfurt, Seminar für Vor-u. Frühgeschichte Archäologie und Archäobotanik Afrikas, Frankfurt (Main)

September 2003-June 2005

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany. University of Frankfurt, Seminar für Vor-u. Frühgeschichte Archäologie und Archäobotanik Afrikas, Frankfurt (Main)

June 1992 – January 1995

DAAD, Germany. University of Göِttingen, Germany to carry out my Ph. D. thesis on plant remains retrieved from the Predynastic site of Hierakonpolis


Field and Consulting Experience

1998 – 2001        Consultant to UNESCO Regional Office in Cairo (UCO)

                            Consultant for the Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme, in close collaboration with Prof. Dr Abdin Saleh & Prof Dr Mohamed El Deek. I provided consultancy for the implementation of international conventions (e.g. Convention of Biodiversity Conservation and Convention of Combating Desertification) in UNESCO's Biosphere Reserves in the Arab Region.

1997 – 1998        Protectorates Development Project

                            Consultant and Botanist for a field mission for the selection and evaluation of New Protected areas in Egypt. Funded by the European Union (EU and the Egyptian Government (EEAA)

Since 1996           American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) & British Museum, UK

Archaeobotanist for the excavations at the Predynastic Cemeteries and Settlements at Hierakonpolis, Egypt

Since 1996           University of Rome “La Sapienza,” Italy

                            Archaeobotanist for the excavations at the Neolithic Settlement at Farafra Oasis, Egypt

Since 2000           Macquarie University Sydney, Australia

Archaeobotanist for the excavations at the Predynastic Cemetery of Helwan, Egypt

Publication List


Fahmy, A.G., Kahlheber, S and D’Andrea, A.C. (2011) Windows on the African Past: Current Approaches to African Archaeobotany. Reports in African Archaeology 3 Africa Magna Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, pp 241

El Hadidi, M.N., Batanouny, K. H. , and Fahmy, A. G. (1991) The Egyptian plant red data book. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Geneve and Nairobi. pp 210


Journal Articles / Monograph Contributions/ Conference Contributions

1) Fahmy, A.G., Yoshimura, S. and Kawai, N (2013) Archaeobotany of a Middle Kingdom Cult Chambers at North Saqqara, Egypt. In Chris J Stevens, Sam Nixon, Mary-Anne Murray & Dorian Q Fuller (eds), The Archaeology of African Plant Use: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop of African Archaeobotany. Walnut Creek.

2) Fahmy, A.G., Fadl, M. & Friedman, R.F., 2011. Economy and Ecology of Predynastic Hierakonpolis, Egypt: Archaeobotanical Evidence from a Trash Mound at HK11C [in:] Fahmy, A.G, Kahlbeher, S. & D’Andrea, A.C. (eds), Windows on the African Past. Current approaches to African archaeobotany.Frankfort: 91-118

3) Fahmy, A. G. and Kahlheber, S. (2011) Phytolith analysis of Charred leaf remains of plaited Basketry pp: 163-171 In: Petit, L.P., Czerniewicz and C. Pelzer (eds) Oursi hu-beero, Sidestone Press, Leiden.

4) Fahmy, A.G., Galan, J.M., Hamdy, R. (2010) A deposit of floral and vegetative bouquets at Dra Abu el-Naga (TT11). Bulletin de L’Institut Francais D’Archaeologie Orientale, BIFAO 110: 75-89

5) Fahmy, A.G. and Fadl, M. (2010). Plant macroremains from locality HK29A at Hierakonpolis, Egypt. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (JARCE) 45: 137-152

6) E. Huysecom, M. Rasse, L. Lespez, K. Neumann, A. Fahmy, A. Ballouche, S. Ozainne, M. Maggetti, Ch. Tribolo & S. Soriano (2009). The emergence of pottery in Africa during the tenth millennium cal BC:new evidence from Ounjougou (Mali). Antiquity 83 (no. 322) : 905-917

7) Neumann, K., Fahmy, A.G., Lespez, L., Ballouche, Huysecom, E. (2009) The Early Holocene palaeoenvironment of Ounjougou (Mali): Phytoliths in a multiproxy context. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 276: 87 - 106

8) Fahmy, A. G. (2008) Diversity of lobate phytoliths in grass leaves from the Sahel region, West Tropical Africa: Tribe Paniceae. Journal of Plant Systematics and Evolution 270: 1-23.

9) Fahmy, A.G., Khodary, S., Fadl, M., El Garf (2008) Plant macroremains from an elite cemetery at Predynastic Hierakonpolis, Upper Egypt. International Journal of Botany 4 (2): 205-212.

10) Fahmy, A.G., Friedman, R., Fadl, M. (2008) Archaeobotanical studies at Hierakonpolis Locality HK6: The Pre and Early Dynastic elite cemetery. Archeo-Nil 18: 169-183.

11) Boulos, L. and Fahmy, A. G. (2007) Grasses in Ancient Egypt. Kew Bulletin 62: 507 - 511

12) Fahmy, A.G. (2006) Archaeobotany of North Saqqara. Journal of Egyptian Studies, Waseda University, Japan. 10 (2): 50-55

13) Fahmy, A.G. & Magnavita, C. (2006) Phytoliths in a silo: Micro-botanical evidence from Zilum (Lake Chad Basin), NE Nigeria (c. 500 cal BC). Journal of Biological Science 6(5): 824-823.

14) Fahmy, A.G. and Hassan, L. (2005) Plant diversity of Wadi El-Ghayl, Aseer Mountains, Saudi Arabia. Egyptian Journal of Desert Research 55(1): 39-52

15) Fahmy, A.G. (2005) Missing plant macro remains as indicators of plant exploitation in Predynastic Egypt. Journal of Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 14: 287-294.

16) Fahmy, A.G. (2004) Insights on the Development of Archaeobotanical & Palaeoethnobotanical Studies in Egypt. In: Hendricks, S., Friedman, R.F., Cialowicz, K.M. & Chlodnicki, M. (eds): Egypt at its Origins. Studies in Memory of Barbara Adams. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta. Peeters: Leuven.

17) Fahmy, A.G. (2003). Palaeoethnobotanical studies of Egyptian Predynastic Cemeteries: New dimensions and contributions. In K. Neumann, Ann Butler & S. Kahlheber (eds.) Food, Fuel and Fields: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Proceedings of the third workshop of African Archaeobotany, 3-6 June 2000, Frankfurt. Africa Praehistorica:15, Köln, Germany: 95-106

18) Van Zeist, W., Roller, G. & Fahmy, A.G. (2003). An archaeobotanical study of Ma'adi, a Predynastic site in Lower Egypt. In Willem van Zeist Reports on archaeobotanical studies in the Old World. Groningen, Netherlands: 167-207.

19) Friedman, R., Watrall, E., Jones, J., Fahmy, A.G., Van Neer, W. and Linseel, V. (2002) Excavations at Hierakonpolis. Archeo-Nil 12: 55-68.

20) Abdel Ghani, M. and Fahmy, A.G. (2001) Analysis of aquatic vegetation in islands of the Nile Valley (Egypt). International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 27: 1 – 11.

21) Hassan, L., Fahmy, A.G., and Galal, T. (2001) Environmental parameters and vegetation analysis of sedimentary islands, river Nile, Egypt. Bull. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ. 30 (2-D): 153-169.

22) Fahmy, A. F. (2001) Plant remains in gut contents of ancient Egyptian Predynastic mummies (3750-3300 BC). Online Journal of Biological Sciences, Asian Network for Scientific information 1 (8): 772-774.

23) Fahmy, A. G. (2001) Palaeoethnobotanical studies of the Neolithic settlement in Hidden Valley, Farafra Oasis, Egypt. Journal of Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 10 (4): 235-246.

24) Fahmy, A. F. and Abdel Ghani, M. (2000). Palaeo-ecological aspects of Farafra Oasis (Egypt) during mid Neolithic period (7130-6190 BP): A multivariate analysis. Bull. Fac. of Sci. Assiut, Univ. Egypt. 29(2-D): 93-105.

25)Fahmy, A. and Barakat, H. (2000) Plant macro remains from tomb 11. In: Barbara Adams, Excavations in the locality 6 cemetery at Hierakonpolis 1979 – 1985. British Archaeological Reports (BAR), Oxford, pp 151 – 157

26) Fahmy, A.G. (1999) Plant macro remains from the cemetery at HK 43. In Renee Friedman (ed) "Preliminary Report on Field Work at Hierakonpolis", Journal of the American Research Centre in Cairo (JARCE). 36: 1-35.

27) Barakat, H. N. and Fahmy, A. G. (1999) Wild grasses as Neolithic food resources in the Eastern Sahara: a review of the evidence from Egypt. In M. van der Veen (ed) The Exploitation of Plant Resources and People in Ancient Africa: Recent Archaeobotanical Evidence. Plenum. New York.

28) Fahmy, A.G. (ed) (1999) Proceedings of the regional workshop on biosphere reserves for sustainable management of natural resources and the implementation of the biodiversity convention in the Arab Region. Iles Kerkennah, Tunisia, 26-30 October 1998, UNESCO Cairo Office. pp. 224.

29) Abdel Ghani, M. and Fahmy, A.G. (1998). Composition of and changes in the spontaneous flora of Feiran Oasis, South Sinai, Egypt, in the last 60 years Willdenowia 28:123-134.

30) Fahmy, A. G. (1997) Evaluation of the weed flora of Egypt from Predynastic to Graeco-Roman times. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 6 (4): 241-247

31) El Hadidi, M.N., Fahmy, A. G. and Willerding, U. (1996 published in 1997) The Palaeoethnobotany of locality 11C, Hierakonpolis (3800-3500 cal. BC); Egypt. Taeckholmia, Cairo University Herbarium 16: 45-60.

32) Abdel Ghani, M. and Fahmy, A. G. (1994). "Studies on threatened woody perennial taxa in the flora of Egypt: extinct and endemic taxa". Feddes Repertorium 105 (3-4): 243-250

33) Abdel Ghani, M. and Fahmy, A. G. (1993) "Protected areas of Egypt: new proposals". Bull. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ. 22 (2-D): 41-52.


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